Step 1: Determine Your Dominant Body Type
Use the following calculator to determine your DOMINANT phenotype. We will use this to guide us with the best macro set up for your body. The results that you get below will show you what percentage you fall within when it comes to your body type.
If you have 2 phenotypes that are relatively even (like 55% Mesomorphic, 45% Endomorphic), then you are a hybrid type. When you are trying to find your macros below, simply look for where your mixed type is listed. In this case, you would be more MESO-ENDOMPORHIC (vs. Endo-mesomorphic) because you are a higher percentage of meso. This will make a difference in the calculations you would use. So keep that in mind as you figure out your macros below.
Please EMAIL US RIGHT AWAY if you have questions.
Body Type Calculator
Step 1 of 10
Step 2: Determine Your Calories
The first step (BEFORE you do your macros) is to figure out your calories.
- Enter your information in the top half of the calculator.
- Allow it to determine your TDEE and BMR.
- Choose your caloric level and goals.
- Caloric Deficit for fat loss. I suggest starting around 15%, you can always come back and go a little lower if needed.
- Maintenance
- Caloric Surplus for lean building. I suggest starting at 5%, you can always come back and go a little higher if needed.
- AFTER you’ve determined your calories, scroll below the calculator. Find your dominant body type, and use the guidelines listed to figure out your macros.
Calculate Your BMR and TDEE
BMR (Mifflin St. Jeor Formula) Lean Mass Equation (To Factor In Body Fat Percentage)
Activities per day in MINUTES (24h = 1440 min)
mins Reading, Sitting, Driving, Eating, Chatting, Watching TV
mins Walking, Cleaning, Cooking, Slow bicycling
mins Fast walking, Carrying bags, Sex
mins Swiming, Running, Basketball, Fast bicycling, Workingout
mins Boxing, Heavy workout
mins (automatically calculated)
Choose Your Goals and Dietary Intensity
Calculate Your Macros
.7 grams per lb. of body weight
.8 grams per lb. of body weight
.9 grams per lb. of body weight
Custom grams per lb. of body weight
.30 grams per lb. of body weight
.35 grams per lb. of body weight
.40 grams per lb. of body weight
Custom grams per lb. of body weight
Carbohydrates are calculated based on the calories you have remaining after calories from protein and fat have been subtracted from your TDEE.
View Your Results
GRAMS per day | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
GRAMS per meal | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Step 3: Determine Your Macros Based on Body Type
The next step (AFTER you do your calories) is to figure out your macros.
- Find your body type as determined above.
- If you are familiar with using macros and figuring out your calories, then you can use the ADVANCED/DETAILED BREAKDOWN (ADV).
- For the detailed breakdown, you can use the lower end of the range to start off.
- You can come back and adjust those numbers after you see how the body responds to your chosen set up.
- If you are less confident with using the ADV break down, then use the percentages.
- The ADV version is a little more accurate, but either method will work as a starting point.
Step 3a: Endomphoric Type Macros
Body Type Suggestion:
- Endomorphic
- Endo-Mesomorphic (more endo than meso but both are almost even)
Nutrition Recommendations: For endomorphs, excess calories are more likely to be stored as fat. This leads to a greater propensity for energy storage, including both lean mass and fat mass. Endomorphs typically find that they have a lower tolerance for carbohydrates. Endomorphs typically do best on a higher fat and protein intake with carbohydrate intake being controlled and properly timed (e.g., around your workouts, before and after exercise). Your diet should consist of more fat and protein, and less carbohydrates.
(Adv) Cutting Phase Based on Body Weight:
- Protein: 1.35-1.5 g/lb
- Fats: 0.35-0.45 g/lb
- Carbs: Fill in with remaining calories
- As a rule do not go below 90g of carbs per day.
(Adv) Lean Building Phase Based on Body Weight:
- Protein: 1.2-1.35 g/lb
- Fats: 0.4-0.6 g/lb
- Carbs: Fill in with remaining calories
- As a rule do not go below 120g of carbs per day. In fact, adjust the macros so you stay ABOVE 150g per day.
Percentage Alternative Cutting:
- Low Carb Set Up Option
- Include 1 high carb day a week. Use the Low Fat Set Up or 40/40/20, with calories at MAINTENANCE for the high carb day.
Percentage Alternative Lean Building or Maintenance:
- 40/30/30
- Use a Caloric Surplus of 5% anymore you might gain fat quicker.
- For maintenance, use the “Maintenance” calorie option. Then choose the macro set up suggested.
Step 3b: Ectomphoric Type Macros
Ectomorphs are usually classified by having long limbs, and a thin frame/build. You’ll often notice it’s hard for you to gain weight or put on muscle – despite how much you might eat. For you, we want to keep protein on the moderate to high side to aid in building muscle if you are looking of put on size, or to simply keep what you have if you are looking to cut and lean out. Carbs will take a larger role in your diet as an energy source, while fats will stay moderate to low.
Body Type Suggestion:
- Ectomorphic
- Ecto-Endomorphic (You have more ecto than endo but both are about even)
- Ecto-Mesomorphic (You have more ecto than meso but both are about even)
Nutrition Recommendations: Ectomorphs tend to have very active thyroids, and sensitive sympathetic nervous systems – so you have naturally a higher output and higher sensitivity to catecholamines like epinephrine and norepinephrine. Ectomorphs have a fast metabolic rate and a high carbohydrate tolerance. Ectomorphs do best with more carbohydrates in the diet, along with a moderate protein and lower fat intake.
Cutting Phase:
- Protein: 1.2-1.35 g/lb
- Fats: 0.25-0.4 g/lb
- Carbs: Fill in with remaining calories
- Don’t go too much below 120g per day of carbs.
Lean Building Phase:
- Protein: 1.0-1.25 g/lb
- Fats: 0.3-0.5 g/lb
- Carbs: Fill in with remaining calories
- Keep carbs upwards of 150 grams a day, can go even as high into the 200s for many women.
Percentage Alternative Cutting and Lean Building:
For this body type you can follow the same plan for all days, no need to carb cycle to push fat loss since your metabolism is typically pretty high. If you want to do low carb for fat loss, use the “Enter Your Own Ratio” and keep it at 45% Protein, 35% Fat, 30% Carbs. You can adjust from there. Do a high carb day 1 to 2 times a week, using the 40/40/30 option with calories at maintenance.
- 40/40/20 – if you tend to do better with more carbs.
- 40/30/30 – if you tend to do better with less carbs, or feel less bloated with carbs in your program.
- Low Fat Option