everything you need to know, and how to get started on the program is going to be revealed to you in this orientation week!
Important: Please Keep An Eye on Your Email!
Each day, for the next 6 days, I will send you a new lesson as a part of this orientation course, to help you get off and started with the program.
So let’s get you started with the site and where to find everything!
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Orientation Video Day 1: Accessing Your Dashboard and Site Features
Let’s kick off today’s lesson with giving you a tour of the dashboard page. Once you login to the site, you’ll be taken to the WELCOME PAGE for all member levels. There you will see the main dashboard access for all the programs on the site.
Basic Level AND VIP Level Clients all have access to the ALL ACCESS DASHBOARD!
Please use this as the MAIN area to get your content when it comes to workouts, new posts and content on the site.
VIP Level Clients – you have additional access to the VIP Extras Dashboard. Here is where you will have direct links to all of your bonus content and features. This is also the area where you will communicate with myself and your assigned Team RoxStar Success Coach when it comes to submitting updates and getting feedback.
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Lesson 1: Introduce Yourself to the RoxStar Fitness Community and Activate Your Client Profile
In this lesson you’ll learn about how to connect with our private and exclusive members only forum to build your community of support and motivation. Our private forum is also where you can get some direct help from me regarding any questions you may have about your personal program.
Our Inner Circle Forum is the HUB of communication and support for the site. Any questions you have regarding programming should be posted in the appropriate forum thread.
Need motivation and a boost to stay focused? You guessed it, our forum is where you should turn.
Even though you may be working on your own, you are NOT alone!
*STARTING 2/24/17* The Actual COACHING Part of this Program Happens in Our Member Forum!
Please watch the following video to get an idea of how group coaching works. I will post an updated video for the forums shortly.
Watch Time: 2m 30s
Please perform the following steps to get you activated and started in the program.
Step 1: Come to Our Member Forum to Introduce Yourself.
Before beginning on the site, please take a moment to introduce yourself officially to the RoxStar community by posting on our Welcome Board.
Click this link to introduce yourself now.
- First be sure to read our sticky post of group rules BEFORE posting!
- Next, it’s time to introduce yourself!
- Tell us your name and what your specific goals are.
Step 2: Use Our Progress Tracker to Enter Your Starting Weight and Goals
We need to take note of where you are beginning, and how things are moving along. True progress is seen through the whole picture. That includes measurements and weight – alongside starting photos – as the main tools for tracking your progress over the time we work together.
Please click here to track your numbers.
Every single month, I open up about 2 weeks of time when group coaching clients can post their progress (photos, measurements etc) in our private Facebook Group.
Once you do that, it becomes easier for me to give you advice and suggestions about where to adjust your program, and what you need to do to push things along.
Please ONLY submit your stats and pics during those times posted in the group (this will also be sent to you via email).
Step 3: Post Your Starting Weight and Photos in Our Inner Circle Group Coaching Progress Forum So I Can Keep Track of You
NOTE: VIP RoxStars Please Use the VIP Extras Dashboard to Submit Your Stuff to me PRIVATELY. I will also send you your macros and calories after your first submission as well.
As I mentioned above, once you have your starting numbers, please post your stats and photos in the group so I can help you to get started on the right foot.
Your photos MUST be in the following format:
Please do not pose (you can add those as additional pics if you wish).
I would like to see you standing normally, wearing clothes that show your shape. PLEASE WEAR SOMETHING TASTEFUL! We have both men and women in our private group.
Photos MUST be well lit, and head to toe. You can cut off your head, but make sure I see your FULL BODY – DO NOT CUT OFF AT THE KNEES.
Use your camera’s self timer for your photos, especially if you have no one to take them for you. That’s what I did for the photos above.
What Happens Next…?
Next up, I’m going to send you tomorrow’s orientation video and lesson. We will be discussing nutrition and how to set up your calories and macros. Make sure you are taking the time to watch EVERYTHING so that way you can be off to a strong start in the program.