• These 4 Steps Will GUARANTEE You Reach Your Goals This Year

    In this video, I’m going to help you light your 2023 fitness goals on fire! There’s a SECRET approach to your fitness journey that will lead straight to your success. And it starts well before you step into that gym to workout. Goal setting the RIGHT way is a part of that process.

    By getting motivated and setting small, achievable goals, you’ll be ensured of success, no matter what obstacles you face. I’ll also give you some helpful tips on how to stay focused and avoid common mistakes that can slow you down.

    So whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or just stay on track, this video is for you! By following the guidelines in this video, you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals in no time!

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  • Thighs Of Thunder – Total Leg Build Shape And Sculpt Specialization 3

    This workout schedule and training cycle was inspired by this collection of videos I featured on my YouTube Channel. We had a running series where I was talking about the magic of the Brazilian butt! And more specifically, how Brazilian women (particularly competitors) seem to be among the most well gifted on the planet when it comes to this area.

    So, it gots me thinking… What is it about their training that brings about such amazing development?

    Well, it turns out frequency and volume is the name of the game. Training heavy, training smart. and of course, stepping outside of your comfort zone.

    And we will be doing exactly that with this training cycle.

    Perform this cycle for 4 weeks, each week increasing the difficulty by playing around with how much you’re lifting in the gym.

    Beat your numbers, raise the bar, and take yourself out of your comfort zone. Let’s go ahead and get you started! These legs won’t build themselves!

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  • Thighs Of Thunder – Total Leg Build Shape And Sculpt Specialization 2

    This workout schedule and training cycle was inspired by this collection of videos I featured on my YouTube Channel. We had a running series where I was talking about the magic of the Brazilian butt! And more specifically, how Brazilian women (particularly competitors) seem to be among the most well gifted on the planet when it comes to this area.

    So, it gots me thinking… What is it about their training that brings about such amazing development?

    Well, it turns out frequency and volume is the name of the game. Training heavy, training smart. and of course, stepping outside of your comfort zone.

    And we will be doing exactly that with this training cycle.

    Perform this cycle for 4 weeks, each week increasing the difficulty by playing around with how much you’re lifting in the gym.

    Beat your numbers, raise the bar, and take yourself out of your comfort zone. Let’s go ahead and get you started! These legs won’t build themselves!

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  • Coaching Module: Back/Shoulder Specialization Cycle 2 + Start With Your WHY Coaching Message

    Ok so, I hope you had a great time working the heck out of our last month of training.

    Our goal was to focus on challenging your workouts in the gym and bringing more focus to building and sculpting the back and shoulders. This month, I want to continue with this same focus.

    This time, raising the bar, getting a little more crazy in our workouts (wait til you see the metabolic circuit – thank me later), and challenging you to ask yourself… ‘How can I give MOOORE?!”

    Once again,  this specialization program is a 5 day training set up, and will focus on hitting back and shoulders 3 days a week.

    If your goal is to lean build (without focusing on fat loss), then I want you eat in a caloric surplus.

    If your goal is fat loss/leaning out, then eat in a slight deficit.

    Mindset Coaching Session: Start With WHY

    I know that a lot of folks struggle with motivation and getting back on track to their goals.

    It takes a lot to stay consistent. It takes a lot to just find the fire within you to do the work.

    I would be lying if I said I haven’t been there a time or two myself…

    One of the BEST ways I’ve found to really re-connect with your fitness goals and to simply keep on the path to your success is by meditating on your WHY.

    So in this coaching lesson, I want to dig a little further into what that means.

    And hopefully by the end, give you the fire you need to get up, get serious, get moving, and get those results.

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  • Coaching Module: Back/Shoulder Specialization + Faith In Your Goals

    This month kicks off a really exciting challenge for you both in and out of the gym.

    We’re going to kick off this block of training focusing on bringing strength to the upper body by sculpting the back and rounding out the shoulders.

    This month, I want to give you a program that will begin to lay that foundation. One that will challenge you, and get you to step well beyond your comfort zone.

    This specialization program is a 5 day training set up, and will focus on hitting back and shoulders 3 days a week.

    Mindset Coaching Session: Take Responsibility For Your Goals

    This month, I want to get into your head a bit when it comes to how you are mentally and emotionally approaching your goals.

    The biggest threat I see (as a coach) that hinders most people when it comes to success with their goals is rooted in psyching out. When I say that I mean that we are often victims of the stories we tell ourselves – about ourselves.

    The one thing I want you to embrace is this mindset that “can’t” doesn’t exist. An inability in the moment? Perhaps. A challenge that will take work and effort to overcome?


    But NEVER being able to achieve your fitness goals? NOPE!

    Let’s get your body and mind on track.

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