Program Introduction: This workout is all about giving a great push, pump and challenge to the back and arms. The game is always about pushing safely to your limits, and seeing how much you can raise the bar. So be sure to track your workouts, as this one will progress over a series of weeks. […]
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Back and Biceps Hypertrophy Vol 2. – Workout 3
Program Introduction: We’re kicking up our back and bicep work this cycle with this one. I want you to think about where you can give more. The game of growth and progress is about setting the bar higher. So with each cycle, think about what you can improve, how you can engage the back more, […]
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Back and Biceps Hypertrophy Vol 2. – Workout 4
Program Introduction: The first set is one where you perform a higher number of reps so that you can build endurance and begin to make the mind-to-muscle connection. After the initial set, please use weights that challenge you to failure! When we say failure, we mean so that you cannot perform another rep with good […]
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Back and Biceps Hypertrophy Vol 2. – Workout 1
Program Introduction: This workout is all about giving a great push, pump and challenge to the back and arms. The game is always about pushing safely to your limits, and seeing how much you can raise the bar. So be sure to track your workouts, as this one will progress over a series of weeks. […]
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