• Negative Reps Chest & Triceps Workout 2

    This program is all about giving a REAL challenge to the chest and triceps! And to do that we are going to really kick negative reps in high gear.

    The “negative” portion of the rep is the eccentric contraction. And in focusing on that part of the motion you force the body to recruit a ton of muscle fibers, and cause even more microtears/damage to those fibers. 

    And by doing that, once the body repairs, you have tissue that is stronger than before, and brings about hypertrophy and growth.

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  • Negative Reps Chest & Triceps Workout

    Program Introduction: This program is all about giving a REAL challenge to the chest and triceps! And to do that we are going to really kick negative reps in high gear. The “negative” portion of the rep is the eccentric contraction. And in focusing on that part of the motion you force the body to […]

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